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S. Church would be shrinking. Tens of thousands of Catholics in Latin America have joined Evangelical and Pentecostal Churches. Many just leave and go nowhere. Thirty five percent of U. S.

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Ethics are about doing the right thing. They are about well based standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to dousually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Manuel Velasquez et al. , What Is Ethics?, Santa Clara University: Markula Center for Applied Ethics, 2010, accessed October 7, 2011, . They serve as guidelines for making decisions about how to behave in specific situations; they also guide us in evaluating the actions of others. Daniel J. Brown and Jonathan B. King, Small Business Ethics: Influences and Perceptions, Journal of Small Business Management 11, no. 8 1982: 1118. Hopefully, they will provide us with a good understanding of how to react to situations long before those situations occur. It is important to understand what ethics are not.
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