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This is perfect!I have potential investors but I had no idea how to prepare a professional investment package to present to them. I'm an artiste', not a business person. : The information is clear and easy to understand, and Melissa is very prompt in answering emails. When I came across the Business Plan Tools and the Finance Guide, I felt like I could stop searching for the pot of gold. Id found it. In one place, with clear, easy to follow materials and spreadsheets, my questions were answered. Hi Melissa!I purchased Package 3 a couple of days ago, and I feel like I'm taking a crash course in film financing. So far, what I've read and learned has been invaluable. Thank you!I've made short films before, but this is my first feature, and the first film I've tried raising money for. This template, actually the whole package, has been invaluable and well worth the money I spent on it. So much information is packed into what I got that I'm almost dizzy from it all.

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Tip on shooting any firearm with a lot of recoil: a proper and comfortable well placed stance, proper grip and hold and secure shoulder placement, "hang on" to the rifle, and lean into it. squeeze the trigger and ride it out. Don't fight the recoil. Let the recoil roll though and ride it out and let the weapon settle back down, get your site picture back and repeat. You don't get something for nothing goes without saying!How do you ride a bucking horse?You hang on and ride it out. if you fight it. expect to get thrown and get hurt. Recoil does not have to hurt. So what category do KAK flash cans and Noveske Flaming Pigs fall under?I've read many times it is considered a flash hider because of the diameter of the exit bore, but KAK specifically states on their product site that it does not reduce recoil, muzzle rise or flash signature, I'm having a hard time figuring out if it is okay to put this on my featureless AR. It's one of those things where I'd rather be safe than sorry.
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Itskovich. Odessa khlebniy gorod // Novoe russkoe slovo , New York, 1984, 21 March, p. 6. V. S. Mandel. Konservativnie i razrushitelnie elemente v evreystve // Rossiya i evrei: Sb. 1 / Otechestvennoe obedinenie russkikh evreyev za granitsey . Paris: YMCA Press, 1978 , p. 195. A.
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