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In a very real sense, all the wheels in the world couldn't do very much without tires or maybe tracked treads, but that's neither here nor there. Tire manufacturers are pretty smart people engineers, designers, and the like and they figured out that they could save a lot of people a lot of hassle by putting some information directly on the sidewall of every tire. In Tire Tech 101 the first of our series on tires we'll give a tour of some of the most important bits of information that you can find on your tires, and what it all means. If there's a "P" appended to the beginning of the information, this simply designates its a passenger car tire. If there's no "P" at the beginning, the tire is simply engineered to different standards. The standards are set by two organizations: the TandRA The Tire and Rim Association and the ETRTO European Tyre and Rim Technical Organization. The next number "235" in this case measures the tire section width, in millimeters: the distance from sidewall to sidewall. Each tire is measured to specific rim width, and because rim width is often measured in inches here in the U. S. , it's helpful to convert millimeters to inches. Divide the millimeters by 25.

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The San Diego City Council will require a minimum level of affordable housing at the Mission Valley Stadium site, members decided Monday. The council unanimously voted to set some parameters on multiple parts of a draft purchase and sale agreement. Chief among those was a 10% affordable housing minimum. The parties intend to exchange a 135 acre parcel, which SDSU would redevelop into a 35,000 seat stadium. Plans also call for a satellite campus, a park along the San Diego River, commercial and residential space and a bridge extending Fenton Parkway over the San Diego River. Tom McCarron, senior vice president of the Mission Valley Project for SDSU, said it would increase the universitys academic space by 50%.
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During this period the prevailing economic wisdom suggested that the empire 39 s colonies could supply raw materials Dec 16 2019 When it comes to life being a multicellular organism has its advantages when compared with being a unicellular organism. Nest sites were not limiting the local population density and swallows tended to aggregate actively at specific sites. Mar 03 2019 A gambrel roof features two distinct slopes one steeper than the other to create a barn like look on homes garages and sheds. As we all know at the start of a campaign or skirmish you find out what the different Advantages and Disadvantages of each Nation. The colonies were significantly distant from England which made communication transportation and resupply exceedingly difficult for the British military. ROYAL COLONIES. The reduced growth rate of obligate aerobes in the depth of the agar. There is a general emphasis throughout on the likely adaptive advantages and possible evolutionary reasons for the development of coloniality. Questions 1. Parties do not have much of a say. Developing country MNEs tend to be less competitive than their developed country counterparts partly because they suffer the disadvantage of operating in home countries with underdeveloped institutions.
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The teacher also explains how to use the scoring rubric designed specifically to aid the student in completing the task. The teacher may, at the end of the task, ask students to perform peer evaluations of one another's work. The assessment both the task and the evaluation is intended to be an integral feature of classroom instructional activities. Students are given the scoring rubrics to guide their own work and to gauge their performance. The teacher assesses student performance at the completion of the task. Park Elementary's Primary Learning Record provides another example of an assessment technique that has been thoroughly integrated into daily teaching practices. Teachers regularly take notes on students' in class speaking, reading, and listening behaviors and analyze them later to plan future instructional activities. Arizona's, Kentucky's, Maryland's, and Prince William County's on demand tasks are part of performance assessments that are not integrated into the classroom. Students have no prior knowledge of what tasks to expect, and scoring occurs outside the purview of the teacher and the student. Linkages to Standards. Assessments also differ in how closely they are aligned with content and performance standards.