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Thompson 1998 says, The most powerful weapon available to secondary teachers who want to foster a favorable learning climate is a positive relationship with our students p. 6. Canter and Canter 1997 make the statement that we all can recall classes in which we did not try very hard because we didn't like our teachers. This should remind us how important it is to have strong, positive relationships with our students. Kohn 1996 goes a step further, saying, Children are more likely to be respectful when important adults in their lives respect them. They are more likely to care about others if they know they are cared about p. 111. Marzano 2003 states that students will resist rules and procedures along with the consequent disciplinary actions if the foundation of a good relationship is lacking. He goes on to assert that relationships are perhaps more important at the elementary and junior high levels than at the high school level. And according to Zehm and Kottler 1993, students will never trust us or open themselves up to hear what we have to say unless they sense that we value and respect them. As we showed in Figure S1, strategies to develop positive teacher student relations should be the largest portion of your discipline plan.

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