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Wherever possible the basic sciences should be learned and evaluated in the context of solving patient problems. Wherever possible, learning should occur in small groups with active participation by all members. Not only is this deemed to be educationally effective, but it will also develop those interpersonal skills necessary to function as members of multidisciplinary teams in health care delivery. The curriculum shall develop the flexibility necessary for students to function in the rapidly evolving health care delivery system, and in a variety of roles such as individual patient care, community health, and preventive medicine. Students should develop the skills to respond to evolving societal needs, practice patterns and scientific developments. Given the variety of skills, knowledge and attributes expected of our graduates, we anticipate that they will be evaluated in a diversity of ways, including self evaluation. All such evaluations should be performance based defined as assessing the application of knowledge and skills in settings approximating actual clinical situations. The following content areas should receive emphasis in the curriculum: history and physical examination skills, medical practice management, health policies, evidence based medicine, resource acquisition and medical informatics, and opportunities to explore diverse career choices. Where appropriate, management of the curriculum should be by interdisciplinary teams which cross geographical and calendar barriers. You are requested to notify the Office for Student Affairs/Carbondale or Springfield before participating in any type of employment, research, or classes other than medical school. This information serves two major purposes: 1 it gives the office a record of participation in non curricular activities, and 2 it provides information for future first year students about the kinds of enrichment activities available in Carbondale.

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Topics addressed in the letters include the dupont Columbia University award to NPR for Father Cares: The Last of Jonestown, Reston's interest in writing about Admiral Hyman Richover, basketball players Al Wood and Ralph Sampson, and the lack of a "Reconstruction after Vietnam. " Other topics include the licensing excerpts of Our Father Who Art in Hell, Reston's play Sherman, the Peacemaker, teaching at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, book sales, and the Greensboro Massacre. Correspondents include Reston's agent Timothy Seldes with Russell and Volkening, Inc. , staff at NPR, author William Styron, William Shaw with The New Yorker, faculty and administrators at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, author Henry Mayer, James "Scotty" Reston Reston's father, and editors and administrators at Times Books. Of interest are letters from readers of Our Father Who Art in Hell including a 10 August 1982 letter from a member of the People's Temple attempting to correspond with persons identified in the book and a 19 May 1982 letter from a minister who compares Scientology to the People's Temple. Of note is a 25 March 1982 letter from Gayle Korotkin with the Greensboro Justice Fund. "We have been asking for federal prosecution of the Klan, Nazis, and government agents involved. We feel it is definitely a victory to force the Justice Dept. even to go through the motions of calling the grand jury, because it is a real exception to the Reagan civil rights policy. " Topics addressed in the letters include the Frontline documentary 88 Seconds in Greensboro, the Greensboro Massacre, Reston's expertise on the People's Temple and Jonestown, reprinting Our Father Who Art in Hell, Reston's play titled "Kaituma Sunset. " Other topics include book sales, teaching, and Reston's interest in writing radio programs about the Greensboro, N.
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The awards were handed by Francis GUILLEMARD, CEO and founder of the GRAITEC Group, at the 2012 Kick Off, in Bucharest. The first 2011 Development Award was received by Bogdan ZAVU Advance Concrete Team Leader and Emil MOGA Advance Concrete Senior Software Engineer, for the new DWG export procedure. The DWG export procedure is a key feature of ADVANCE Concrete, which was fully rewritten, resulting in a major speed improvement. The second 2011 DEVELOPMENT AWARD was received by Cosmin BARBU Advance Design Project Manager and Diana SERBAN Advance Design Senior Software Engineer, for Crack Analysis, taking into account real reinforcement on beams and columns. Until now, Advance Design was dealing with the required reinforcement with regards to Concrete Design. Version 2012 of the software is making a big step forward, as Advance Design is now helping the user to determine the real reinforcement section and performing EC2 crack analysis. The TECHNICAL AWARD FOR BEST DEVELOPMENT was received by Mircea KLEPS Advance Steel Senior Software Engineer, for the Graitec Modeler as part of the Advance Steel Standalone project. The component was first started by Mihai DOBRESCU and continued by Florin SECUIANU and Mircea KLEPS, Mircea being the one whose fingerprint was decisive for the current engine state of the art status. For more information on all the new features of the 2012 GRAITEC Advance suite, please visit the GRAITEC ADVANTAGE page at . March 22nd, 2012. GRAITEC is pleased to announce that the GRAITEC North American team will be exhibiting at NASCC, the steel conference in Dallas, Texas, on April 18 20, 2012 at booth 610.
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Themes are simply some sort of aspect that carries through the wedding linking the separate occasions. Some examples include a color pattern. The color pattern, or group of colors chosen will carry throughout the event. From the bridesmaids dresses and groomsmen's ties all the way down to the color of the napkins on the tables at the reception will often match. This theme, if one has been chosen should also be incorporated within the wedding shower. Or, the wedding shower theme can be something similar. Finding a theme that the couple would appreciate will be a great added touch to the wedding shower. Whether you are looking for free wedding shower games or wedding shower favor ideas, the Internet can be a great resource. For fresh ideas, things your friends haven't done yet, browse through the hundreds of online retailers who specialize in the area. To find one, try using a search engine. Many companies will be available.
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He clearly was a terrorist and the job of Indian security forces is to capture terrorists. Not all can be captured alive. So what is the protest about, really?Lets think from a Kashmiri youths point of view. There is one soldier for every 15 or so residents in the state source. And they have absolute power in arresting / killing / torturing anyone special laws applicable only in JandK. Kashmiris simply dont like them the armed forces.