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There are many factors that influence the successful of teaching English. One of them is approach. Approach is the way of teacher to transfer the knowledge to the students besides encourages their motivation to learn. Teacher should be creative and smart in choosing and using an appropriate approach. Teacher can use Reading approach as the way they teach. In this approach, students focus on identifying meaning, understanding the text quickly, and reading actively. Reading approach also has some weakness and some benefits. It is a fact that no approach or method is perfect, But the important thing that can not be ignored is reading is a very important thing. By doing reading students will get many things, and can understand everything related to the language learning especially English. So, it is important to know how to read effectively by using reading approach. Total Physical Response is a language learning method based on the coordination of speech and action.

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Actually, thats not true. As we are endlessly reminded by the various Quislings in the employ of the NCAA, they receive scholarships. These student athletes are given a chance to succeed in the game of life!Yes, in between the 4060 hours a week they spend practicing and recovering from practice and working out and attending team meetings and studying the playbooknever mind travel, media duties, and gamesyou can just imagine how much time and energy they have to devote to course work!After all, what matters most at Auburn is not that their star running back is primed and ready for a nationally televised Bowl game, but that hes primed and ready for that pop quiz in Anthropology. You can imagine how concerned all his coaches must be about his academic progress, given that their own career trajectories depend entirely on climbing the national football rankings. I dont mean to be flippant. Im sure there are many college players who pursue their studies strenuously. My point is that the system doesnt require them to. The notion that theyve enrolled in college to learn more about the world of ideas is a fraud we all consent to so we can watch them compete on Saturday. And its a fraud that degrades the essential educational mission. It suggests that what really matters, what makes a college worth attending and supporting, isnt scholarship or research or intellectual transmission, but athletics. Which is why, when you hear the name of a large state school such as the University of Texas or Florida or Michigan you dont think of a college at all.
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, whose colleagues discovered her photo with a stripper online, and the Boston area teen who was arrested for alleged "terrorist threats" in a rap video he posted to Facebook. But the logistics of what is and isn't acceptable between students and teachers online are still being figured out and it largely varies by school. Mashable reached out to a few schools across the U. S. to ask about how they've adjusted to the digital era. Our primary question: Should there be an overall policy for social media use?Hans Mundahl is the director of technology and integration at the New Hampton School, a private boarding high school in New Hampton, N. H. The school is a "one to one iPad" institution, meaning every student and teacher is provided with a tablet. "We have three levels of policies, loosely phrased, when it comes to social media," Mundahl tells Mashable. "The first is a pretty straightforward policy that teachers are not to friend or follow any of their students on any social media channel. We, teachers and staff, are sort of the 'parents plus.
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