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HYPERLINK New research on the dangers of the mosquito control pesticides DIBROM Naled and the pyrethroid pesticide PERMETHRIN are reported from six medical journals. Health risks found include genetic damage cancer potential neurotoxic dangers to unborn children and harm to marine life. Researchers also find pesticide applications appear to be dramatically increasing the incidence of encephalitis carrying mosquitoes. Theories regarding this include immune system damage to wildlife and genetic damage to the mosquitoes inherent defenses. HYPERLINK High Toxicity of MalathionMalathion is a medfly and mosquito control pesticide which has been shown to have serious health effects upon humans. Observed effects include weakening of the immune system thereby resulting in increased colds, flu and infections, birth defects, genetic damage, accelerated aging of certain body organs, increased neurological damage to the elderly and serious harm to wildlife. This report shows how the public is being misled by this very dangerous pesticide. HYPERLINK Child Vaccination Health ProblemsWhile the medical community touts vaccinations as being important for child health, the research shows this is not necessarily the case and the risks appear far greater than the benefits. HYPERLINK Rejected for PublicationWhen quality articles and letters are submitted to newspapers, journals or scientific magazines for publication, yet rejected for no apparent reason, attention needs to be brought to this problem. As corporate industry gains more influence over mainstream media from magazines to newspapers, there is a gradual silencing of voices from scientists and thinkers who do not agree with their desired point of view. HYPERLINK Child Cancer and Relationship to Modern ChemicalsEvidence demonstrating how chemical exposures occurring in and around the home can greatly increase the risk of brain cancer, neuroblastoma and leukemia.

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, Bruggemann, N. , et al. 2011. Homozygous THAP1 mutations as cause of early onset generalized dystonia. Mov. Disord.
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