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Also, recognize that the behaviour the child is exhibiting may be indicators of abuse. If you see a pattern, you should notify Child and Family Services. If there is a 3 5 year age difference between the two children involved we would suggest you also contact Child and Family Services and ask what your legal duty is in this situation. Child and Family Services will assess the situation and determine if you have a duty to report. 7eQ: Our Hall Monitors have asked us what exactly they should do if they walk in on an abusive situation especially abuse where the perpetrator could run. Can you make suggestions on how they should respond?A: As with any volunteer or staff member, we would recommend that if they walk in on, observe, or have a suspicion of any form of abuse including misconduct, that they should immediately record and report it. If the individuals involved are of the age of majority, the hall monitor should notify the Senior Leader and document their observation and conversation, submitting this to leadership. Many organizations have whistleblowing policy in place for this purpose. If one or both of the individuals involved are minors, the hall monitor should immediately call for the abuse or misconduct to cease, remove the individual from the situation, and at the earliest opportunity document their observation, conversations and actions on the Suspected Abuse Report Form. The hall monitor should also notify organization leadership and immediately contact Child and Family Services or Children's Aid Society. Nothing should delay the report to the appropriate protection authorities.
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I guess thats why we care enough to talk about what works and what doesnt, what makes them better people, etc. At the end of the day, teaching is and may always be the most restless profession, but at the same time, and all the books and teachers agree, it is also the most rewarding. : Have a blessed Sunday!So indeed, Cha Cha, often teachers are more remembered not for what they taught content but for who they are as persons. We impact people in the ways we make and unmake, as Olive experienced it our students. That's what makes teaching so rewarding and challenging, and sometimes frustrating because teachers take part in the individual's 'becoming. ' I had an experience as a teacher so profound that I always cry talking about it. Lieutenant Ludwig Salvador was my student and advisee; when he graduated from the PMA in 2006, he left me a short note thanking me for making him a warrior and calling me his most mabangis na instructor. In June 2007, he messaged me saying Maam Im on my way to my dream assignment On July 10, 2007, Lt Salvador was one of the 23 Marines killed in one of the bloodiest encounters with the Moro Islamic Liberation front MILF in Al Barka, Basilan; he was beheaded and reportedly mutilated. On receiving news of the incident, I was inconsolable This I may say is also the teachers hidden curriculum in the PMA that as we teach and train our cadets with the reality of death, we have to deal courageously with our own grief. Hello Ma'am, I'm so interested with how you interpret and acknowledge thoughts in certain issues and topics. I admire you for that ma'am.
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