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Awesome read. Eugenes book is amaziy also. For all who have not heard him on paul cheks podcast I would invite you to look that up. Love and chi!Stay cool. I think youve hit on the next big revolution in health. Stuff like this is going to change the face of the health sciences in the years to come. With all our advances in science, its amazing that we are forgetting some of the fundamental lessons. You mention the single crop system and how it produces inferior plants. Whats wild is that farmers figured out that system was terrible back in the 9th century when they noticed that fields left fallow for a while produced better crops later. Fast forward hundreds of years and this eventually led to to things like the Norfolk 4 crop rotation system. And now we decided to ignore all those lessons and just supplement the inferior crops with pesticides and fertilizer?Its like were building a pyramid higher by stealing the stones that make up the foundation.