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Of these 207 deaths there were 7 brain cancer deaths. This is nearly 2. 5 times higher than the expected rate of 2. 7. After all factors were taken into consideration these statistics were considered significant and suggests that pesticides were a contributing factor. Irene Figa Talamanca, Irene Mearelli, Pasquale Valente, Susanna BascheriniDepartment of Biolgia Animale e dell UomoUniversity degli Studi di Roma, Rome ItalyNewborn Vitamin K administration linked to higher cancer rate for 1 6 year old childrenSOURCE: British Medical Journal, 316:189 193, Jan 17, 1998In this study of over 4000 children, published in the British Medical Journal 1998, scientists did not identify an increased risk for all child cancers for infants given Vitamin K injections. However, when scientists went one step further and investigated individual types of cancer, they did in fact find an increased risk for the cancer lymphoblastic leukemia. The study compared cancer rates for infants born in hospitals where all children received Vitamin K to hospitals where only one third of infants received Vitamin K. CHEM TOX COMMENT: Vitamin K administration is often given to newborns under the premise that it is important in reducing the risk of hemorrhagic disease excessive bleeding. Because of previous studies showing genetic damage occurring in blood cells of animals given vitamin K, there has been concern that negative effects could occur in children given Vitamin K. A number of follow up studies looking for increased cancer risk in children given Vitamin K have been conducted with the majority showing no increased risk.
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com/a/bLWmF. Uber is definitely expanding quickly, to the delight of its shareholders but often at the expense of its partner drivers. More and more, the media, however, is examining the drivers side of the relationship, and its not looking as rosy as it once did. Its not unusual to read headlines like these: A Secret of Ubers Success: Struggling Workers Bloomberg View, 10/2/14, A Failure to Treat Workers with Respect Could Be Ubers Achilles Heel MIT Technology Review, 9/22/14, or The $90,000 Question: Ubers Salary Lie Harder to Kill Than a Garlic Immune Vampire Pando. com, 6/11/14. What a change. Back in September, UberX drivers were striking in San Francisco for better wages, and in Los Angeles, drivers are getting some help from the Teamsters. Drivers cant technically form a union because they arent employees, so they formed the California App Based Drivers Association CADA instead cadateamsters. org. The association has scheduled several protests at the Uber Technologies headquarters throughout the fall. In New York, drivers formed the Uber Drivers Network udriversnetwork.
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Nielsen BookScan reported that adult non fiction accounted for 722,094,661. 39 of 2010s book sales, with 2,659,046. 28 made up of the 291,957 writing and usage guides sold. Nine years after its release, Eats, Shoots and Leaves still holds a solid place in the top 5 in this category. Its an odd category, spliced between fun gift book types like mine, the English as a Foreign Language types and the professional writing guide types. When I contacted Nielsen last, of the Top 20 titles in the Usage and Writing Guides Nielsen BookScan 2011 YTD year to date chart, six also appear in less academic areas of bookshops: 2 Eats, Shoots and Leaves now published by Fourth Estate 11,379 on Amazon Books 3 My Grammar and I Michael OMara 4,970 on Amazon Books 7 How to Sound Clever AandC Black 13,569 on Amazon Books 11 How NOT to Write a Novel Penguin 21,135 on Amazon Books 18 Queens English, The Michael OMara 24,214 on Amazon Books 19 I Used to Know That Michael OMara 5,390 on Amazon BooksMy Grammar and I , which has topped the charts for two years in a row, The Queens English and Everyday English fall under the same genre and were in the position of sale spotlight in three of the Waterstones I visited last summer.