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In its widest sense, it includes a great range of material that man wears or applies to the body. Clothing includes dresses, shoes, jewelry, hairdo and make up. Clothing is also used to show peoples status and the roles they play in society Obeta and Uwah, 2015. They further explained that the clothe someone decides to wear influences the impression people have about such an individual. It also tells about the family such a person comes from. It can also affect the persons comfort and self confidence.

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In the process, I discovered that it makes a wonderful addition to an herb garden with its many culinary and medicinal usesmore than I would ever have imagined. And, if you are a beginner gardener like me, it is encouraging to grow a plant that thrives without much care. Indian borage Plectranthus barbatus has heart shaped leaves with scalloped edges and the typical four cornered stem of the Lamiaceae family. The thick, succulent leaves are entirely covered with short, fine hairs. Try lightly brushing the hairs, and you will get a pungent aroma. The plant typically grows to about 50 centimeters in height. Although there is no definitive answer on where this plant originated from, most botanists say that Indian borage possibly came from Africa. Today, they are found growing wild or cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions, where they are used in cooking and for healing purposes. They also make pretty ornamental plants. There is a version with variegated white edged leaves, Plectranthus amboinicus 'Variegata,' which looks particularly attractive as an ornamental plant, especially when planted in hanging baskets or grown as a garden border. In terms of flavour and aroma, Indian borage has similarities to herbs such as oregano, sage, thyme, mint; hence the many and often confusing names from various parts of the world.
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Greene encountered the case when I spoke at a company executive leadership session. Shackletons team knew that whatever came before them on the ice, their leader would give his all to bring them home alive, she said. This knowledge, she added, was crucial to achieving the mission, and this commitment is key today when so much is changing so fast. Shackletons sense of responsibility and commitment came with a great suppleness of means. To get his men home safely, he led them across ice, sea and land with all the tools he could muster. This combination credible commitment to a larger purpose and flexible, imaginative methods to achieve a goal is increasingly important in our tumultuous times. Douglas Coupland is good at labels. He is an accomplished lifestyle taxonomist, an acute observer of social trends. His books and conversation glisten with consumer brands and pop cultural name checks. In the disaffected suburbs of Couplandland, such shared references are the glue that holds the post political, post religious, post post he was an early evangelist for email world together. But he is not good at being labelled.