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While you are employed, take advantage of training, coaching or mentoring opportunities and work on your continuous professional development as you will likely become better at what you do and more indispensable to your current or future employer. It means we can get more personal satisfaction from our lives and jobs as we understand more about who we are and what we do. This can lead to better results and a more rewarding working day in turn. If you choose to learn about another complementary sector, this enables opportunities to specialise and potentially earn more or move to a connected industry. In turn this gives us wider experience on which to build our knowledge and more transferable skills in readiness for your next move. From a financial point of view, a more highly skilled and knowledgeable worker is an asset to any company and can lead to faster promotion with associated salary increases. Someone who can offer more expertise will be of more value not just to employers but also to customers. Expertise is also, often, a key quality of an effective leader. If you are frustrated with your job, continuing to hone your skills will make it easier to find new ways out of a potentially stressful work situation. Keeping an open mind to learning and giving yourself room for flexibility is key to job satisfaction. Furthermore, potentially staying ahead of competitors for jobs by being more experienced or knowledgeable can give you an edge.

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A Roehampton study predicting locations of Tiger Sharks will help countries to develop shark management strategies and could protect swimmers from potential attacks. Dr Robert Busch, Senior Lecturer in Molecular Immunology in the Department of Life Sciences, is working on a two year project co funded by the Multiple Sclerosis MS Society, identifying how vitamin D protects against the disease. The Before Shakespeare research project, led by Roehamptons Dr Andy Kesson, has been exploring the origins of Londons commercial theatre, daring which dates back to the mid sixteenth century. External examining is an integral part of the University's quality assurance and enhancement processes. The University is committed to ensuring independent and appropriately qualified external scrutiny of its awards and our processes and procedures are aligned with the precepts of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education. The principal role of every External Examiner at Roehampton is to sustain the academic integrity of the University's approved awards by testing the robustness of the assessment processes, ascertaining that students are treated fairly within these processes, and by reporting on them systematically and objectively.
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Girls from throughout Serbia and Serbian a part of Bosnia and Herzegovina come to Belgrade to review. In their first years, they normally cheat to their boyfriends which might be at home and so they learn quick about the benefits of a big city. However, many Serbian political, navy and paramilitary leaders including Slobodan Miloevi?, Vojislav eelj, Jovica Stanii?, Franko Simatovi?, Veljko Kadijevi?, Blagoje Adi?and eljko Ranatovi?had been accused of warfare crimes committed in Bosnia and Croatia. According to Prosecution, those leaders participated in a joint legal enterprise aimed to established Greater Serbia from the disintegrating Yugoslavia. Of the 498 mosques in Kosovo that were in lively use, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia ICTY documented that 225 mosques sustained injury or destruction by the Yugoslav Serb military. In all, eighteen months of the Yugoslav Serb counterinsurgency campaign between within Kosovo resulted in 225 or a third out of a total of 600 mosques being broken, vandalised, or destroyed.
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I think it was a fair process, Hainaj said. We had an external consultant there were and guidelines that were followed and there was representation of most of the stakeholders of the campus and within the search group, she said. The decision was announced at a Board of Trustees meeting on April 21. Church is set to retire on June 30 of this year. Dr. Ballinger will assume the presidency as of July 1. On April 5, Dr. MaryAnn Janosik, the current head of school for Stanford Online High School in Palo Alto, California, spent time interacting with current LCCC students. During this session, students seemed to feel that the college is run more like a business and asked Janosik how she would handle that situation. Janosik firmly stated that she believes that education should come first and foremost in the college environment. What we need to do in Lorain County is build on what has already been done, Janosik said during her meeting with community members the afternoon of April 5.