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672. Its a given that the lives of most local families revolve around the schools schedule and activities. From the Clemens Primary students singing the Bear Cub song to Philomath Highs Warrior Pride, strong bonds are formed to those campuses. It often remains with older residents, who may no longer have a direct connection to the school. This past week, I spent more time than usual on a few of the school systems campuses. First, as part of the superintendents walk through that Buzz Brazeau has introduced here in Philomath, then to watch Dax the robot interact with youngsters and this past Sunday to get a look at the new pedal car track at the primary school.

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However, selecting assessments is a complex process. By varying the way an online tutor offers an assessment, the students have the chance to show their knowledge. You know that there are different e learning styles. Therefore, different tasks will challenge the students in unexpected ways. For example, you can create courses with three or more forms of assessments. Then you change them on the go, depending on the learning material. For example, in the form of answering questions after watching or reading some material. This is among the most popular and widely used activities in the virtual classroom. As a successful online tutor you can go one step further and give a similar task as an assessment to your students. The first step is to provide appropriate material to read or watch. Additionally, it would be good to connect it with the subject that you are teaching.
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