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State Sen. Diane Savino added that many parents who planned on opting back in as flu season dissipated, people who wanted to send their kids back after the holidays, or those who are still waiting to see if the winter brings a second wave no longer have the option to wait to make a choice. Aaron Pallas, a Professor of Sociology and Education at Columbia Universitys Teachers College, called it bad policy to force parents to make an irreversible decision. I think parents have been craving some sense of predictability and have been disappointed time and time again, he told The Chief. I feel bad for Principals as well, because theyve really been kicked around the most in this process. City Council Member Mark Treyger, who chairs the Councils education committee, said that school leaders from schools already facing severe Teacher shortages feared that this ill advised decision by the Mayor would exacerbate the staffing challenges if an influx of students start attending in person classes. The Mayor argued that if more students opt for blended learning you can put less time and energy into some of these remote elements and focus more on in school. We'll get the staffing aligned the way we need it, he said. In a statement released on social media, the UFTs Movement of Rank and File Educators caucus called the one time opt in period a pressure tactic to increase the number of students learning in person. Mr. de Blasio revealed that just 280,000 studentsor 26 percent of the school systems public school studentshad attended one or more classes in person, far below the 541,000 students who were signed up for blended learning.

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Yesterday, the Washington Post issued an editors note about a series of three articles that contained largely duplicated passages from Government Executive. The three stories, one printed in August 2015 and two printed in January 2016, were written by veteran reporter Lisa Rein. In a statement, Rein said that the passages were inadvertent lapses made in haste and she apologized to both her readers and to Government Executive. There was no comment on any disciplinary action being taken against Rein, but all of the stories now have editors notes and alterations to reflect the discoveries. According to the Washington Post, the issue was noticed by Government Executive itself, whose deputy editor of Government Executive Media Group, Katherine McIntire Peters, sent an email on January 8th alerting The Post to the issues. Government Executive has said that they appreciate the Washington Posts response to the issue and acknowledgement of the misappropriation and that they feel, A pattern of plagiarism should be treated very seriously. Embattled Arizona State University professor Matthew Whitaker has agreed to resign after a series of plagiarism controversies dating back over four years. Whitakers plagiarism saga began in 2012 shortly after he was promoted to tenured professor at the school. Other faculty at the school noticed questionable passages in his 2011 book Race Work: The Rise of Civil Rights in the Urban West. Whitaker alleged that his colleagues were out to get him because they were upset over his promotion due, at least in part, to his race. ASU concluded its investigation and, while it admitted that there were copied passages, said there was no evidence of systematic plagiarism and took no action.
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For this second reason especially, it is not recommended that one of your 3 copies of your data be stored on a flash drive. Backing up your data is a bit like flossing: You know you should do it but it's hard to start doing it consistently. Once you get into the habit, though, it will come naturally to you. Have a schedule for backing up your data and decide who's responsible for doing it. Will you back it up at the end of everyday?At lunch?Will you do it?Will your RAs?You can and probably should have different plans for during your project while you are still collecting and analyzing your data and after you project has completed. It helps to have these plans written and available for anyone in your lab or research group to read.